To everyone struggling right now.

To everyone struggling right now,

Remember, you’re not alone. We’re all struggling in some way because we’re part of the same flawed species. We see so many success stories online but very few are from the ones who are still struggling. We see how a certain someone won his battle against depression or an eating disorder or some other deadly mental illness but no one writes about how they’re in the process and how they wake up every day with a horrible thought of ending their life. This letter is not just for the ones struggling but also for my former self who had no clue about anything. Well, I’m still clueless about life but I know one thing for sure: I’m not alone.

I have been an explorer and on a quest for understanding life and myself; I still am. It’s a journey you gotta cherish and tolerate throughout. I’ve switched many careers and have tried to make sense of every decision I've made. After 7 career paths, 5 jobs and 3 failed startups, I realized it’s not ending anytime soon. Through this, I got to know that I was never meant to do just one thing like we were taught since childhood. So, now I do a lot of things and one of them is taking group therapies. I love conducting sessions with different kinds of people and getting to know different stories every day. Holding a safe space for someone’s emotional and mental needs seems like a purpose to me. 

Happyness Peddler is such an initiative focussed on creating safe spaces for people, physically AND emotionally. I am a UNESCO certified, arts-based therapist and I absolutely love my profession, I know very few people can say that about their professions. 

Struggling through depression, anxiety and a few other illnesses myself, I can tell you, stigmatizing yourself is the worst thing you can do to yourself. It takes a while to understand yourself and make sense of the world. One must keep exploring, I feel that’s the only way through. I believe we should never settle for less even if it means starting from zero, going against your family or whatever you're struggling with right now. I don't have a magical cure for your problems. But I can promise we will make life a little more enjoyable.

For times like these, you can always reach out to your friends, family or pets and if not, team Happyness Peddler will always be there. You can visit the website and book an appointment on call or just DM us on Instagram. There are professionals to help you out and your first session is free. Treat yourself as you would a friend with a fracture, you deserve everything great that life has to offer, just know, YOU ARE NOT ALONE!

Love, your happyness Peddler
Shipra D.


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